“5% Of Guys Get To Sleep With
95% Of The Women…”
I’m Going To Show You
How To Become One Of Those 5%
From: Carlos Xuma
Friday, 11:22 a.m.
Dear Friend,
I want you to know that what I said above is true. About 5% of guys will get to sleep with about 95% of the women out there.
Most guys – the other 95% – will only sleep with about an average of 4 women before they get married. If the other 5% gets to seduce all the other beautiful women – and you’re not one of this special group of guys – you’re missing out and you’re getting ripped off.
Today I want to show you what it takes to join that elite 5% of men who get to enjoy all the rest of the women out there.
First, I need to ask you something…
- Have you been trying to make changes in your habits and behavior – maybe trying to get rid of your “nice guy” persona, but you just can’t seem to make the changes stick for very long…?
- Do you feel discouraged because you know what you SHOULD be doing when it comes to dating women, but you keep falling back into old self-defeating habits…?
- Have you discovered that you don’t have the level of self-discipline you need to be consistent…?
- Have you experienced some positive results with women from time to time, and you could clearly see what made those moments work, but you only get those results occasionally…?
- Have you ever felt like every day is an up-down roller coaster, and you just can’t keep up your determination and drive…?
- Do you ever feel like just giving up and quitting on yourself, even when you know you shouldn’t, but it just gets so difficult to continue without support? And you don’t know where to get it?
Well, let me reassure you that there are a lot of guys that have experienced this. The one I know best is – ME! Yep, I’ve had some severe motivational problems getting myself to change my bad habits with women. It took me a while, but I learned some valuable lessons in the process.
Why Can’t I Get More Women Interested In Me?
Let me tell you about Craig.
Craig is about 28 years old, decent looking, average build. He lives in New York City, one of the biggest singles “hot-spots” in the world. You’d look at him and think, this guy’s not a model, but there doesn’t seem to be any reason why he couldn’t get a date.
But that was the problem: He couldn’t see a reason, and most other guys couldn’t see it either. It was subtle and hard to spot.
Craig was one of my students. He managed to cut down his learning time by at least 80%.
In my training, I took him out into the field (to a couple clubs), and it took me a little while to figure out what his challenge was, but then I saw it – plain as day.
This Guy Was About As Interesting
As Listening To Water Drip…
If a woman was plugged into one of those earthquake measuring machines and talking to Craig, the pen just never moved much.
Craig’s clothes were just a bit TOO average.
Craig’s conversation was fine, but it was a bit on the dull side.
Craig’s body language was average. Just a bit “UN-expressive.”
And his tone of voice and facial expressions were also just “AVERAGE.” In other words, he had a lot of very small things that just
got in his way of feeling 1) good about himself, and 2) good about approaching and meeting women. It’s these small things that make all the difference.
Because not being “bad” with women is ABSOLUTELY NOT the same thing as being GOOD with women.
Here’s How To Go
From “WHOAH” to “WOW!”
So what I did with Craig was to pinpoint just a few target areas (we started with just two, so he wouldn’t feel too overwhelmed.) We made some small improvements on each.
First of all, Craig was wearing polo shirts that were tucked in all the time, with a pair of old running shoes. (This is not good fashion.)
So we went to a few good men’s clothing stores and got him a quick upgrade to his wardrobe. Nothing radical here, just a new pair of shoes, a cool belt, and a couple good shirts. Instantly this changed his look for the better.
After that, we worked on his conversation skills. Craig was asking a lot of plain questions about the dull facts of the women he was meeting, instead of getting them involved emotionally with him right off the bat. Just changing up his conversational style added huge improvements.
Next, I gave him some exercises to strengthen and improve the tone of his voice. This took him a few minutes a day, and he got MUCH MORE attention and interest based on this one thing.
Here’s what you need to know…
Craig is the average guy that wants to learn these dating techniques and secrets. I see guys like him every day, and in every workshop or seminar I hold, and he’s 90% of the guys that write in with dating advice questions. Guys like Craig are just missing a few small details.
He’s only a few short steps away from completely destroying his own inner challenges.
And chances are, YOU have a lot in common with Craig.
Maybe you’ve got just a few small things holding you back. You know you don’t need a full makeover, but you just want some methods to polish up a few areas where you’re not feeling confident about yourself.
Well, that’s what I do for guys. I show them how to make small (sometimes HUGE) improvements to their game. And I do this by showing you ALL the different techniques that you can get better results in your game with women.
As I said above, I want to give you four of my programs to get you moving on the right track. You can download these four right away and get started right now. (One of them comes on an audio CD that I’m going to ship to you so you can listen to it in your car – or wherever, to turbo-charge your motivation and results.)
This package is only $97.00 and you can order it right now RIGHT HERE.
OR You Can Have Them For FREE... Read On:
Yup, as in – just chip in for the shipping and I’ll GIVE them to you. Right now.
So I bet you’re wondering, What’s the catch – right?
Why would I give away these programs worth hundreds of dollars for nothing?
Don’t worry, I’m not going to show up on your door and try to get you to invest in some swampland for a million dollars or anything.
I’ll give you these four powerful programs as a kind of “ethical bribe.” In fact, if you try this out I want to give you another program at no cost as well.
Every week, I give guys tips, tactics, technigues, and strategies to my Alpha Man students covering every part of meeting and dating women, creating attraction, as well as building IRON clad confidence in every area of your life.
I want to give you a free month to try out the program that has made all the difference for the guys I coach.
Here’s What You Get In Your
Alpha Man Lifestyle Starter Kit…
Imagine attending a regular seminar every month with an experienced dating consultant that would give you specific how-to information on improving your dating and sex life. Imagine that this expert would provide you with the concrete skills to advance and get what you want from women.
Not just fluffy motivational talk, but specific details of what to wear, how to prepare, how to talk to women… you name it.
Not only do you get the regular sessions as a Preferred Subscriber, you also get BONUS segments that no one else hears, along with articles and special reports on every facet of dating and seduction. These bonuses give you motivation, field reports, articles, and analysis that you won’t see anywhere else.

Examples Of Dating And Seduction Secrets
And Tips You Will Discover In
The Alpha Man Lifestyle Coaching Sessions…
- APPROACH STRATEGY – Conversational style, how to “Bookend” your approach to remove approach anxiety, Why most approaches fail, how The Gap prevents you from using memorized material, the use of Passion in conversation, The List of 20 Exercise, Storytelling example, How to related to her through feeling and sensation, How to change the subject, bridging, and more…
- BUYING TEMPERATURE – How to leverage her interest level in you, the Two Levels of Attraction she will feel, The Slut Complex, What creates her view of sex, Raising her interest level, Buyer’s regret, Tools to raise her interest level, such as magic, humor, Why you can’t use jokes, playful kino, dancing, Why you must raise her energy level, and more…
- ESCALATION MINDSET – How escalation fits in the initial attraction model, Why you are ruining your approaches by playing it safe, How a woman shows her interest, How to cure your uncertainty, Reframing rejection, using pain in motivation, How to escalate without fear of failure, and more…
- ATTRACTION TYPE – The Librarian – Focusing on the quiet, introverted woman – and how to appeal to her desires, Understand her qualities, Recognizing the Librarian type, Why she appeals to men, What subjects to discuss, how to arouse her attraction, what subjects you must build with her, her personality type, where to find her, What you may not see on the surface, and more…
- ALPHA LIFESTYLE: K.I.S.S. – Learn how to simplify your life, how complexity works against you and your positive attitude, why you must be original in your style, simplicity strategies such as reducing clutter, scheduling, stacking events, un-cluttering your mind, the Universal In-box, Elimination list, financial self-control, gain more time, how to reduce stress and anxiety, the one word that will give you back more free time, and more…
- ALPHA EXERCISE: The Scroll – Creating your customized statement of life purpose, how to create affirmations that WORK, how to reinforce it effectively so that it sticks, example, and more…
- CONVERSATIONAL GAMBITS: Storytelling – How to avoid the try-hard vibe, what storytelling communicates and how it works, Questions you can use to evoke emotional involvement, How to get her to tell you her stories, Qualifiers, what you must never let a woman do if you want your approach to work, How a woman avoids involvement in the conversation and how to recognize it, examples of evocative language to use when you talk with women, and more…
- MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS/FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS – If you’re looking to date more than one woman you must know these strategies, the two different ’sorts’ a woman performs based on your approach, the energy you must communicate with, why she will think you’re a player, How to keep it real, What you absolutely MUST give women to keep multiple relationships, The Joker Gift, and more…
- And MUCH MUCH more…
Yes, There’s MORE…

Right now, you’re getting my regular newsletter and possibly my blog articles and my podcasts every month as well.
But there’s a whole lot more going on that you should know about. Here are more tips you’ll learn in just the first few weeks of your membership…
- From approaching women to talking with women to flirting with women and understanding how to attract women…
- From building a single long term relationship to dating a woman … or WOMEN – as many as you have time for…
- Build your male self-confidence and self-esteem – to show her your Alpha Male strength…
- Theories with specific dialogue examples on what to say when you meet girls…
- Background research with the latest in motivational techniques to develop your self-confidence and positive attitude with women…
- Fast techniques for seduction, as well as how to woo and charm her with your charisma…
- How to get a girlfriend, or be a player and score with women – You choose your goal!
- How to read body language and flirt…
- Learn the 5 kinds of guys that women reject as “incompatible” – and why you’re out of the game if you show any of these behaviors…
- Why women test you – and why YOU must decide if you pass or fail so that you don’t fall into this deadly trap of relationships…
- How the “economics” of sex works, and what women and men use as their personal “currency” for trade – this one understanding will save you from falling into a depressing obsession with a woman you can’t have…
- The true goal of seduction that 90% of guys miss, and the trap these guys fall into…
- The “trump” card of all seduction – if you just succeed at this one part of the process, you will out-perform most every “pickup artist” out there…
- The 4 Steps of Seduction – including the 7-step “emotion progression” model that you must follow to guide a woman into seduction – and how you want to play your approach to win…
- The 8-Step Fast DayGame model – how to approach women and meet women any time of day, and anywhere you go…
- The KEY to making conversation seem natural and un-forced – and ensure that a woman will want to keep talking to you after you’ve approached her…
- What “token resistance” is – how women will sabotage your approaches if you are not prepared – and how to blast past any woman that is being difficult or uncooperative…
- 5 Keys to Conversation POWER with women – what to talk about, how you want to communicate, and how to “sub-communicate” your confidence, strength, and Alpha Male status – without looking like you’re bragging or trying too hard…
- Essential tools of seduction – the basic psychological strategies to use in the early and mid-stages of meeting a woman to ensure that you get a high level of attraction and a low level of resistance…
- 5 Key areas of her body you must stimulate with “kino” to communicate sexual confidence and competence…
- The “Long Second” technique for accelerating a woman’s natural desire to get physical with you – how to distort time so that you don’t raise any defenses, and you also don’t risk falling into the “friends only” bucket…
- 20 Fast & Easy steps to prepare your home, your car, and your confidence to win the game of seduction – and why these steps are so essential to your overall game that you can’t afford to miss any of them…
- How to warm up your “conversation engine” so that you feel comfortable and relaxed approaching and talking to women, and you communicate raw sexual energy with your attitude…
- The 7 Principles of Connection – the essential laws of how to establish a bond with a woman that will allow you to bridge from simply getting a woman's interest to facilitating her opening her heart to you…
- Why honesty really is your best policy with women, and why you never need to lie or manipulate to get the sex life you deserve…
- How to achieve true comfort and trust with a woman – and it’s not what you’ve been taught!
- 3 Painful Compatibility KILLERS that you must get rid of – and how women interpret these behaviors to mean – NO WAY…
- My Secret Technique (never before revealed) on how to avoid seeming like you’re TOO good to be true and scaring away women that might talk themselves out of a good thing…
- The Passive Avoidance Game that women play with you – how it works, how you fall for it without realizing it, and how to never get caught in this trap again…
- The 3 Worst methods to use when approaching women (and 85% of guys do this all the time) – and my Perfect Approach Method – the guaranteed way to start a conversation with a woman (or women) and they simply cannot reject or refuse you. With 2 of my best examples, transcribed word-for-word…
- 6 Rules of Seduction you must obey – including how to get into soul-searching and deep conversations that will leave a woman breathless – and speechless…
- My “Redirect” technique for launching a pre-emptive strike and avoiding a woman’s tests before they even start – AND how to turn the situation into a chance to test her…
- Why you must never play the “micro” game of seduction – and how to take care of your small indicators of status and confidence by not even thinking about them…
- How to win the inner game and stop your worrying and fears of rejection by adopting one simple mental habit that will turn off the negativity once and for all…
- 8 Key Strategies of Seduction
- Your starter seduction toolkit – the 3 vital elements you must have prepared before you go out in the field to meet women…
- The 25 Alpha Male Attitude Affirmations – Learn the essential perspective and the difference in how dominant men think and feel…
- The Life Philosophy of the successful ladies man – and the two distinctions that explain the reasons most men don’t achieve what they want with women – and why the other guys do…
- How to attract women with your personality instead of your wallet or your car…
- Free again? Dating after divorce or after a breakup…
- Dating rules that work for meeting women…
- What she’s thinking – meet and attract women with real psychology of influence and persuasion…
- Conversation style – How to talk to women…
What You’ll Learn In Just The
First TWO Alpha Lifestyle Coaching Sessions:
- Effective communication skills and techniques with women (and mixed groups) – to handle the interpersonal dynamics…
- Techniques for gaining attraction and rapport with women in the shortest period of time…
- The Secret Truth about women and cheating, and the two kinds of cheating that women recognize – as well as which she will forgive, and the one she won’t…
- How to use cold reading to establish a connection in a conversation – breaking through to rapport as fast as possible…
- Using challenge with women effectively – How to test women – specific questions that will get her to understand your Alpha masculinity…
- The nature of limiting beliefs, and deep attraction…
- How to use qualification effectively – for your own benefit as well as to create attraction in women…
- The secret to “jamming her radar” so that you can get the best opportunity for success…
- Specific phrases to use with women to demonstrate that you are coming from a stronger and more confident frame of reference…
- How to email women and not come across as wussy or lacking confidence…
- The role of mystery with women – the way it works in their psychology, and how you get her more addicted to you by using it…
- How to show the best body language to appear and feel confident around women…
- Maintaining mental distance from your target so that you don’t fall into “one-itis” or the unhealthy obsession with one woman…
- Developing persistence and a good attitude along the way – how to cultivate a powerful frame of confidence…
- How to prepare your house or apartment for dating and seduction…
- Handling guys that try to make you look like a dork – busting their game before they try to break yours…
- Confidence strategies for keeping up a healthy and strong inner game…
- Specific techniques and opening lines to use when you talk to women – and the understanding so that you can “build your own” for authenticity and genuine approach comfort…
- Where to find women – the best locations and the best
- Avoiding that dreaded “paralysis of analysis”
- How to approach women effectively and without fear of rejection…
- Conversational techniques to keep things fun and exciting…
- Interviews with women and other dating experts – for perspective and the “insider” information on how women view men…
- The “inside” tricks of how women think, and how you can understand women…
What I Will Reveal To You In The Bonus Ebooks:
- The rules for being a confident Alpha Man in today’s society – so that you communicate confidence without appearing to be a “chauvinist” or “politically incorrect…”
- Where to meet women – for real, and we’re not talking about just the singles bars… Most guys won’t meet their next girlfriend in a bar – so you need to be going to the right locations…
- What to say – exactly what words to use, including the inflection and pacing that make women pay attention and drive up their attraction levels…
- How to prepare for seduction – what to wear, clothes, cologne, shoes, jewelry – create the right image that doesn’t look like you’re “trying too hard…”
- How to prepare your inner game – keeping your attitude right and tight, and keeping your confidence level high…
- Women’s psychology – what she’s thinking during the whole process, as well as her motivations and needs – what you must understand if you’re going to stop memorizing “scripts…”
- How the “Twin Demons,” Pain and Fear, have kept you from capitalizing on many sexual opportunities without you even realizing it, and how to conquer them forever…
- How the internal chemistry of our brain has a powerful influence on how we respond to women, and why emotional control is the key to making women feel “bonded” to you…
- Why you must project certainty in your words and actions… an Alpha characteristic that most men are unaware of…
- How the “fun test” works… and why, if you pass it with a woman, you’re likely to end up in bed with her…
- The truth about “negs” and the “cocky/funny” approach. Why these methods backfire in most cases, and why you should use “teases” instead… especially to capture the interest of High Status Females…
- An easy, effective strategy for “turning the tables”: make her feel the need to prove herself to you…
- The differences between Alpha Men and “Friend Zone” guys. How to make sure women always view you as a desirable sexual being…
- The secret to never getting “blown off” by a woman after the first date, or the first encounter. Build the right connection, trigger certain attraction instincts, and she’ll always be eager to see you again…
- How to cultivate a Mastermind Group of friends and allies, resulting in greater dating & financial success…
- How to be the “leader of tribe,” an Alpha quality that women are powerfully drawn to…
- Did you know that 90% of men make the same critical mistake when they ask a woman out on a date? And that there is a foolproof method for asking a girl out?
- Subliminal techniques for reinforcing and boosting your own confidence to a constant Alpha level…
- Sexual Secrets – How to drive your woman wild in bed – for real! Learn the truth about the G-spot, cunnilingus, anal sex, and much more…
- How to progress from a smile to touching to kissing to sex – the roadmap from start to finish…
- The 20 Secret Principles of Seduction Psychology, and how they work…
- What the true process of seduction really is and how it works – HINT: It’s not what you think!
- What a woman is really looking for from a man before she gets intimate with him, and how to give exactly what she wants to her
- Not only the techniques and strategies to use and practice, but how to keep sharpening these skills and developing them as you go so that you improve all on your own…
- Why you can’t aim for seduction to achieve seduction, and what your real goal should be if you want to get physical with a woman…
- Why women want seduction as much as you do – and how to leverage this secret…
- How to always be prepared with your “Planning Horizon” so that you never miss a step in your seduction method…
- How to rid yourself of worry and anxiety in the process of learning better attraction skills – for more peace of mind and calm in your life…
- How to use the “Two S’s” to your advantage – driving up a woman’s interest in you by understanding her basic psychology…
- Increasing your desirability in women’s eyes – how to become the “prize” and demonstrate high social value…
- How to talk to a woman and how to avoid conversational mistakes…
- What you need to say to her to put her into a passionate, suggestive state…
- The Veil of Romantic Illusion, and how to pace yourself to stay on track and not scare women off too soon – most guys are making this mistake and never getting the second date – or a second chance…
- How to get past her defensive shields, and recognize her secret personal triggers – unique to her…
- The Sphere of Control and the Sphere of Influence – how you avoid confusing and losing your inner game with women…
- The Seduction Attitude, and the 4 key traits that make it work…
- The 17 Seduction Types – the 17 personalities of women you must understand so you can adapt your game to her type…
This is what you – an Alpha Man Lifestyle Coaching member gets in this starter kit program.
BONUS: 30 Days To Dating Success…
Power Dating Techniques Training Module

As a special bonus to you, I’m also going to throw in my 30 Day Power Dating Techniques module on how to go from ZERO to HERO with women in just 30 days.
You will discover:
- How to get started meeting new women right now – so you can put away all the excuses and lonely weekends right NOW…
- How the PRIMARY LAW OF ATTRACTION works to give you more power and influence with women…
- How to overcome your own bogged-down attitude and push through your inner game obstacles so that you can finally take action to move forward…
- Simple methods to mesmerize a woman – or group of women – including tricks to be the center of attention when you’re out being social…
- How to get out of your head and back into your body so you can be “present” with women…
- Inner game exercises to get you out there taking action instead of talking yourself out of it – AGAIN…
- How to create a “routine” that will have you ready to roll in 30 minutes, not only in appearance but in attitude – so that you can transform into the social Alpha Man…
And much much more…
That’s just some of the stuff in the first 10 days of the module! Just imagine what you’ll learn in the rest of the program. (This program is a $247 value.)
MORE – Over 100 Minutes of
Quality Dating Tips & Strategies
There’s dialogue and examples galore of how to approach women, how to talk to women, as well as a breakdown of key concepts along the whole path to getting intimate with her.
Motivating, insightful, and humorous – this is what guys everywhere have been asking for. You don’t have to wait a whole month, either, because new content is added EVERY WEEK!
Topics are covered individually each month, giving you complete concepts and building on your current skills to peak performance.
BONUS: I’ll Also Mail You My Printed Newsletter…
And you not only get all the audio and video, but you’ll also get my monthly Alpha Man Lifestyle newsletter delivered RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR. This no-holds-barred and uncensored newsletter will give you an exclusive look at insider information that I won’t allow on the internet.
This stuff is just too powerful.
I’ll send you this newsletter each month as a part of your subscription.
All I ask is that you cover the $5.97 shipping & handling for the report and the CD so I can send it priority mail to you. Fair enough?
Listen And Learn These Tips & Secrets — ANYWHERE!
Advanced Coaching Program comes as a collection of digital video and audio files, making it very easy to review : 
- No more waiting weeks for a CD to arrive – new content delivered weekly
- No extra/hidden costs for shipping and handling – or mangling in the mail
- No extra costs for CD production
You can even listen to the coaching sessions on any portable MP3 player, so you can learn while you’re in the car, on the bus, working out – anywhere! We also give you instructions with your subscription for you to burn the coaching to CDs you can plan in your stereo or in your car! (And it’s all done with free software…)
The video can be played on any PC or Mac – no extra software required.
Go Ahead, Peek Inside:

* Just cover the Shipping & Handling of $5.97
Don’t Take My Word For It…
These Alpha Men Will Back Me Up:
Iggy is NOT afraid for his ‘dating future’ anymore…
“…Personally I’m too introverted person, and I decided to get further in ‘Dating World’ … [I got] some of your older ‘advanced coaching program’. Your voice sounds so self confident …I thought: ‘This guy Carlos knows very well about what he’s saying!‘ English is not my mother language, so I have to listen it thru at least 5-7 times to understand it quite well. I must tell you: I’ve already made one approach to a lovely girl and I was more successful then would be before… I’m not afraid for my ‘dating future’ anymore (thanks to you)!”
- Iggy D., Slovenia |
“Listening to your advice… improved my life in general…”
“I began listening to your Audio Coaching mp3’s in November 2003, or thereabouts. (I listened to your monthly audios a lot – just about everytime I was driving.)
Listening to your advice – and incorporating it into my life – certainly improved both my dating life and my life in general.
I met and dated a lot of women in the early and mid 2000’s (“wash…rinse…repeat”) and eventually met my fiance in October 2005 – we’re getting married next month.”
- Greg F.
“There is something about hearing the words spoken by the master…”
“Great work on the Advanced Coaching Program series! That is a fantastic idea… There is something about hearing the words spoken by the master that adds greatly to the learning experience. Once again, I am IMPRESSED!”
- D.S.
“It’s much nicer to hear rather than read…”
“After being on your newsletter for sometime before purchasing I can honestly say I’m pleased I did so. There is critical information on your Advanced Coaching Program sessions, which you can’t get in an email. It’s much nicer to hear rather than read…”
- E.H.
“I wish I had some of this info 10 years ago…”
“I can’t begin to tell you how much I wish I had some of this info 10 years ago. This is common sense stuff but which is hard to do on your own due to years of other inputs. The coaching helps remind you of common themes to draw upon effortlessly when needed. The info is new, fresh, yet classic just the same.”
- A.D.
“The Advanced Coaching Program series helped me to increase self-confidence even further”
“I’ve found the Advanced Coaching Program series extremely useful… I now see why I’ve had the successes that I’ve had in the past and why the failures have happened. The Advanced Coaching Program series has reinforced that and has given me more ideas about how to increase self-confidence even further… It’s onwards and upwards from here and I’m confident of many more successes in the future.”
- A.C., New Zealand
“Advanced Coaching Program Sessions go much much deeper into the various dating issues…”
“I wanna say that The Dating Black Book was simply superb! I have to say that I was skeptical at first regarding the Advanced Coaching sessions coz I thought what else could possibly be covered after I’ve read the Dating Black Book. But after taking the plunge, I realized that I was wrong – the Advanced Coaching Sessions are refreshing and that it goes much much deeper into the various dating issues. I highly recommend to all budding Alpha males!“
- AM, Singapore
“It’s like having your own support group behind you…”
“The information in your audio course is priceless! Your material deals with becoming a better man, destroying the myths surrounding your own ideas of a man and setting you free to have great success with both women and life.
…The monthly AUDIO COACHING is awesome too. Its like having your own support group behind you, edging you towards success in both life and with women.”
- Graham in the U.K.
The best part of this program isn’t even the new social life and dating calendar you’re going to have to juggle…
I’m also going to show you some LIFE strategies that go WAY beyond just attracting women.
- How about learning how to attract more money?
- Building stronger confidence?
- Get more success and advancement in your career?
- Creating better friendships and relationships?
When I show you the secrets of the Alpha Man Lifestyle, I’m teaching you how to live a better life – PERIOD.
Here’s What You Get…

My intent is to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need to improve your dating skills EVEN MORE. As part of this special starter kit offer, you will get the following EIGHT Valuable Bonuses…
And they’re all INSTANT downloads, so you don’t have to wait…

BONUS #1 – The Seduction Method Ebook (Retail Value: $459.00)
Learn Practical Seduction Skills That Aren’t ‘Creepy’ Or Disrespectful… This 300+ page ebook is the . The Seduction Method is a completely original and thorough process of seduction. This is original content, based on decades of experience (successes and failures) in seduction. You’re going to get the AUTHENTIC methods of initiating a woman’s interest and attraction for you, as well as the complete progression to take it from the first meeting to the first sexual encounter. You’ll have all the knowledge you need in this set of e-books. Also included in this offer are the Bonus E-books – The Language of Seduction and Meet Her NOW – All 3 books together…

BONUS #2 – Seven Principles Of Seduction Ebook ($159.00 Value)
This 40 page ebook details the principles of ETHICAL seduction that most men will never learn. Seduction is a very controversial and charged word, and it carries a lot of baggage with it. But the fact is that you need to know how and why women WANT men to seduce them. Ever heard of women wanting a man to “sweep her off her feet”? What she’s really saying is “seduce me off my feet”!
This ebook will give you the final piece of the puzzle for how to use the techniques and tactics for attracting women without feeling like a manipulative jerk. You can give her what she really wants, and you will be the best kind of seducer – the Alpha Man…

BONUS #3 – The Alpha Rules System ($459.00 Value)
Any man can unleash his inner Alpha Man and start living life on his own terms, TODAY. It’s time for you to become the architect of your own destiny, and live a lifestyle of NO regrets and MAXIMUM results. The Alpha Rules system will show you exactly how to do this. You’ll get The Alpha Rules E-book, 250 pages of raw power for you to tap into. You’ll get the “HTML – How to Meet Women Online” bonus e-book to prepare you for online dating, and get you results like you’ve never had before. You’ll get the bonus Game Time e-book to illustrate these Alpha principles in action. And you’ll even get a rare interview with Carlos Xuma on the mindset of the Alpha Man.
BONUS #4 – Monthly Mini-ebook ($29.97 Value)
The mini e-book comes as a companion to my sessions and is included in your membership. This reference will cover material in a written format and guide you through the sessions. You’ll also get more advice and tips on how to use the information.

BONUS #5 – Approach & Flirt With Women CD ($97.00 Value)
In this fast-paced audio CD, you’ll learn the complete blueprint of how to approach any woman you see. I’ll give you exactly what to say and how to say it. As well as taking care of your inner game of confidence so you won’t experience that gut-wrenching fear of talking with women ever again.
And it doesn’t stop there – you’ll also learn the critical strategies to start ATTRACTION in those critical first 7 minutes of talking to a woman. So that she will give you her phone number before you even ask for it, and you’re guaranteed to get the date.

BONUS #6 – Free Access to POWER DATING TECHNIQUES:30 Days To Dating Success ($247 Value)
As part of this special offer, I’ll also give you access to one of my POWER DATING TECHNIQUES: 30 Days To Dating Success. In this daily program, I’ll coach you every day with tips, techniques, and exercises to get you out meeting women and mastering your game.
We’ll cover everything from grooming to your body language, from confidence to what you say. I’ll use video, graphics, and audio presentations to take you by the hand through the entire process. By the end, I guarantee you that your game will have improved – more women, more dates, and more skills.
BONUS #7 – Access to Podcast Archive 1 through 30 ($247 Value)
Through this special one-time offer, you can get the first 30 podcasts Carlos has made, since the first day! This is over 900 minutes of additional advice and tips, giving you all kinds of useful information.

BONUS #8 – Monthly Printed Newsletter ($49.97 Value)
Each month you’ll also receive my hot Alpha Man Newsletter that NO ONE ELSE gets to see. I’m packing in guest articles, links, lifestyle and attraction tips, and much much more.
BONUS #9 – Bonus Audio every month ($49.97 Value)
Around the middle of each month, I’ll send you another bonus segment to keep you motivated and improving. This way you get an “allowance” through the month to keep you going with regular strategies and motivation.
These bonus segments are exclusives – ONLY for subscribers to the Alpha Man Lifestyle Coaching program.
BONUS #10 – Bonus PREMIUM Content ($97.00 Value)
You’ll have access to my additional videos, articles and other premium content that I only release to my Advanced Coaching Members. You’ll be able to see it in your member’s area anytime you login.
BONUS #11 – VIDEO Training Modules ($77.00 Value)
NEW! I’m now including a bonus video each month for the subscribers.
You’ll learn how to do things right by SEEING it performed for you on your screen.
From approaches to body language, from style and grooming to facial expressions, you’ll get visual advice on how to improve your presentation and look.
BONUS #12 – Discounts on existing and future programs
I’m going to offer you a 10% discount on your next program, as well as additional bonus discount offers in the future. I’ll be offering special “plug-in” training modules that address critical areas of success with women – and you’ll get first shot at attending these events and classes.
Also, the Alpha Man Lifestyle subscribers get the first opportunity to see new programs and content that I release. Exclusive only for you as a member…
Your Investment: Only $5.97*
(*Just cover the shipping for your Approach & Flirt Audio CD. That’s it.)
Your No “B.S.” Risk-Free
Don’t decide now. Instead, grab my risk-free offer:
Protection #1: If you’re not absolutely thrilled, just contact me and I’ll cancel your subscription.
No money paid. No questions. No hassles. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
AND you get to keep the starter kit for FREE just for trying it out!
If you aren’t getting the results you want, you can contact me for a refund. And we’ll part as friends… |
Protection #2: Even if you cancel, your efforts won’t be for nothing. You’ll get to keep the EIGHT Valuable Bonuses as my way of saying “Thanks.” That’s a guaranteed gain, no matter what you decide. |
…I literally take ALL of the risk for you because that’s how much I believe in this program. |
*** WAIT! ***
Important Notice:
As always, I’ve only got a LIMITED number of memberships I’m going to allow in the Alpha Man Lifestyle program right now.
And when I fill all the current seats, it may be months – or even up to a year – before I decide on whether I will open up access to more people. I have to customize the content and make sure I’m answering questions from guys, so I can only do this for a limited number of people.
By the way I normally charge over $250 PER HOUR for consulting and one-on-one coaching, or over $1000 per day.
You’ll get over 2 hours (That would normally be $500 in consulting fees) of my training secrets and tips each month, as well as more tips and techniques all the time.
You’ll get the equivalent of a complete seminar in just a few months – thousands of dollars of value.
Have you ever wasted $50 on a dinner date with a woman that went NOWHERE? I’m raising my hand on that one. I used to do it all the time.
Think of all the approval you’ve tried to buy in the past with dinners and drinks and dates that went nowhere…
You’ll get $500 worth of my coaching for less than a dollar a day.* (The coaching is just $27.00 per month.) That’s cheaper than your morning Starbucks, I guarantee it.
You’ll get over $1000 of my best tips and secrets, and all I ask is that you cover the shipping and handling for the report and the CD so I can send it priority mail to you.
Try out the Alpha Man Lifestyle Coaching Program – ON ME. Get better with women – guaranteed – in 30 days.
Don’t wait and risk losing your seat in the program. Act now — and claim the EIGHT Valuable Bonuses before the discount offer ends!
Stay Alpha!

* Just cover the Shipping & Handling of $5.97
P.S. You know that learning and improving your dating skills is something every man should do. There’s an inner voice of doubt in every single man that get in the way of taking this step forward. Don’t give in to that voice!
This is an opportunity you must seize. You’ll have options with women that you never imagined before.
You’ll be admired as a leader and a powerful, confident man. Believe me, it’s the best feeling you can have.
Don’t talk yourself out of the most important ability you can have as a man.
Improve your dating skills – NOW.
P.P.S.: If you’re tired of just getting by, getting kicked in the teeth over and over again, and feeling sick to your stomach over the opportunities you’re missing out on every day, and then getting no respect – maybe right now is the time to decide to start kicking some ass…
Take my hand right now. All the excuses are gone. CLICK HERE to get started NOW.
A year from now, you’ll be looking back on this as one of the most enriching and life-changing experiences of your life. You will be well on your way to building the massive self-confidence and game you deserve to have with women – no matter what limitations you feel you have to overcome.
The “Alpha Man Lifestyle Program” gives you all the techniques, tactics, and strategies, you need to create the life you want for yourself that you have put off.
NOW is your time.

* Just cover the Shipping & Handling of $5.97
Thanks Carlos For Giving Me Back My Desire To Dream…
“In the past, I’ve had problems in relationships where I KNEW what to do and how to do it, but I would go on for months without acting on it. Like a whisper, the ‘alpha’ part of me was not easily heard in the crescendo of wishful thinking and a scarcity outlook. Thanks Carlos for giving me back my desire to dream, dream big, and have many dreams through your Advanced Monthly Coaching Series! I am now more relaxed and secure with women at parties, dates, and everyday contacts.”
- Paul H., Manitoba
“A few years ago I was obsessed with the whole PUA thing. I studied the seminars, did the live 3 day bootcamps with the gurus, read the ebooks etc, even wrote my own stuff on the net. I got to the point where I was able to go out to any club and KNOW I could pick up a girl and get laid. I could break into sets, tool AMOG’s, create attraction, get numbers, do phone game, close the deal. I was able to pick up 18-19 year olds with ease and I was 33 at the time. I guess you could say I managed to do the stuff and get the desired results.
However the strange thing was it made me depressed over time. I think it was the overall basic outlook on life that accompanies that PUA universe plus the meaninglessness of it all. I could do it, but so what? I later realized that it just didn’t gell with who I am, my values and outlook, or my real goals. So I dropped it all completely.
When I saw that your course came with a months subscription to the alpha male lifestyle stuff my reaction was ‘Oh NO! Not that sh*t, where do I cancel my subscription?’
But having listened to the downloads I’m totally impressed. Your material is POSITIVE and HEALTHY; totally inspirational and uplifting. Well done mate for giving this material a whole new spin.”
- Simon H.
“The information on the AAC is priceless.“
“Carlos shares his wise insights on so many different topics in a practical, no-nonsense way. His focus on inner game and the proper mindset helps you improve not only your dating and social skills but the overall quality of your life.
“Guys, your understanding of the world and your belief system represent the foundation for everything you undertake. No newly acquired skills, techniques or routines are going to work if you are not in the proper state of mind.
“There is no game without inner game. For me, this is the type of mentoring you receive from a father figure. Good advice is hard to find in today’s information-saturated world, so go for it and help keep it available for a long time!”
- V.C., Germany
“I have now had the Advanced Coaching for a couple of weeks. And I am very impressed with it. It gives details on many things to think about when talking to a woman… I intend to listen to it many times… This is incredible…”
- A.M.
“I’ve found the advanced coaching series extremely useful… I now see why I’ve had the successes that I’ve had in the past and why the failures have happened. The advanced coaching series has reinforced that and has given me more ideas about how to increase self-confidence even further… It’s onwards and upwards from here and I’m confident of many more successes in the future.”
- A.C., New Zealand
“This program does nothing but keeps you motivated and encouraged it makes you feel like you are on a journey. Many products seem to feed you tactics because thats what they feel the consumers want. Tactics are fine but they are a small part of becoming successful in dating.
Carlos realizes this so he will give you these tactics but more than that he gives you a set of attitudes, beliefs and a sense of direction. He makes it clear that this is a learning process and that he is going to be there every step of the way to help us out (and he does give you the steps). What he has done with this program is encourage us to improve our lifestyle and not just focus on women but on every area of our life…”
- E.R.
“I’m a 44 year old man in my second marriage. I started to recognize several wuss patterns in my relationship… I realized that i had to examine what it was in me that was making this happen again.
After some soul searching, I was able to accept that I wasn’t as Alpha as I thought I was. Then, as the old saying goes, the master appeared when I was ready to learn.
Since listening to your podcasts and subscribing to your Advanced Coaching series, I have not only been able to turn my marriage around, I have also been able to better support the 47 women in my office and really get a great handle on my life. Thanks Carlos for everything…”
- C. W.
“There’s nothing say except that everything that Carlos is teaching is of immense value, I mean IMMENSE…”
- Salim A.
“The monthly coaching programs have been a tremendous help over the past 4+ years, not only in my love life, but in life in general…”
- Greg F.
“Required to be successful with women…”
“This is so much more than another dating tip or advanced macking series – you show people how to take control of their lives and use the women angle as the carrot, which is missing in a lot of self-help programs I’ve studied in the past.
You present what is required to be successful with women and so much more.”
- C.
“I wish I had learned about it first and saved some money…”
“I have bought virtually every product on the market on the topic of dating and seduction. I’ve also attended seminars and workshops to improve my skills in these areas…
I wish I had learned about Carlos Xuma’s products first and saved myself some money.
In his audio coaching series and in his ebooks Carlos teaches you the skills, attitudes and beliefs to succeed not only with women, but with everyone. Become an Alpha Man and you will be a success in life…”
- RT, Los Angeles
“Fantastic monthly audios…”
“Hey Carlos, fantastic monthly audios. I’ve recently moved abroad on my own and the motivation and inspiration I get from these audios has not only kept me going but helped me to push myself to become who I choose to be… Much appreciated Carlos”
- Graham, UK
“You don’t let things like your ego get in the way…”
“I have to compliment you on your keen awareness of how to handle women in certain steps of the dating continuum. Your analogies and philosophies get better every month in your advanced coaching program and it helps me obtain a clearer perspective on how to handle situations that arise.
Unlike so many of the other gurus, you don’t let things like your ego get in the way…”
- P.
“I bring confidence to the table not only at dates…”
“Carlos, thanks so much for your advice! I feel myself changing and molding into a better self. I bring confidence to the table not only at dates, bars, parties, but also at work. People see that I mean business and that I’m on my own path to personal greatness. I’m coming into a promotion very soon and also getting random job offers! People see the passion!”
- C.K.
…and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Click here to read even more testimonials.

* Just cover the Shipping & Handling of $5.97